540 Southampton Ln.
League City, TX 77573
Back of Westover Park Development
FYI - This address does not work with all GPS or map programs. Some map programs have the spelling as "540 S Hampton Ln" (Google maps works!!)

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Directions from Downtown Houston @ I-45 gulf freeway

1. Head south on I-45 S towards League City exit (FM 518) - 21 mi
2. Take (exit 23) FM 518-League City and stay on feeder road for 1.2 mi
3. Turn right onto FM 518 going West - (aka Main St) - then go 2.9 mi
4. Just before you turn into my neighborhood you will pass up a Valero gas station.
5. Turn left onto Westover Park Ave (Westover Park Development) - then go 1.1 mi
6. Turn left onto Napier St. (It's the 2nd left after you go straight through the stop sign @
     League City Parkway).
7. Napier will dead end into Southampton Ln. Turn left onto S Hampton Ln.
8. Destination will be on the left - 3rd house on left

540 Southampton Ln
League City, TX 77573
